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How to Use: Vertical Weekly


new mom

Study No.

4 of 11

Linked Collection


Aline is a new mom and has a part time job (as the Queen of Customer Service at Laurel Denise!). She is task focused, but also knows she needs flexibility in this season. Her priorities are keeping her new baby happy and healthy, providing and organizing her home and meals, and keeping up with friends.

Tip from Aline (1/2):

The Freedom of Flexibility

"These sticky notes are basically magic and I use them to jot down random tasks that need doing and keep them in my notes section because, well, I never really know when I'm going to be able to do them. Moving them to my day I can get them done gives me a sense of completion and I can re-use them each week and month!"

Tip from Aline (2/2):

My Favorite List

"My 'next month' list helps keep things that are coming up in my mind so that I can feel prepared. Out of sight, out of mind, and some things next month need to be prepared the month before. I keep this little sticky on the lower right corner of my planner."