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How to Use: Vertical Weekly


small business owner + personal life

Study No.

3 of 11

Linked Collection


Shopping List:

Highlighter Set

Laurel is the owner and creative director here at Laurel Denise and her Vertical Weekly is basically another appendage. She uses her planner to manage running her small business - from marketing plans, to filming + manufacturing schedules - and to manage her family of 4. Laurel lives by her lists and loves to use her notes section, back pages, monthly to do, and weekly to do for all of her lists.

Tip from Laurel (1/2):

Divide Your Day

"The amazing thing about our planners is that you can truly customize them so they work for you. My visual brain needs to see time blocked plans and I absolutely live by my lists, but I need those two things to be in the same place. I use our washi tape or our highlighters to divide my page into a few sections - tasks at the top, time blocking at the bottom, and the schedule for my girls below that."

Tip from Laurel (2/2):

Big Picture View

"I use my monthly view as the big picture plan of my month. I don't include the details for my plan (like tasks or times associated with those plans). I put deadlines, birthdays, and my marketing plans there and the details go on my short page. I know this is a little different from how many people use a monthly view and wanted to be sure to point it out!"