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Big Plans: The Official Laurel Denise Blog

Feb 2024

Lists to Keep in Your Planner

This is - wait for it - the Ultimate List of LISTS! But, like, actually helpful lists. Lists That Work! Must Have Lists for your Planner! 24 Lists for Your Planner! Listen, ya gurl doesn't understand SEO, so I'm just copying as many as I can think of there. Apologies. Okay, onward - as you know, we love a list. Hashtag lists are lyfe (considering this as my first official tattoo, but sleeping on it). Here, my dears, are Team Laurel Denise's favorite lists:

Morning, Afternoon, Evening Routine Lists
Keep this baby someplace handy so that you can keep your routines front and center. Check out this post for inspiration. It's also helpful to jot down your weekly and monthly routines, too, although this one doesn't need to be quite as front and center. I suggest placing it on the notes section of your planner spread.

Sunday Prep List
This is my list of all of the things I do on Sunday to go into the week ahead feeling settled and well prepared. Obviously, laying out my planner is at the top of that list!

Reference List
Nancy and I keep these in our planner for things we do more than once a year, but not every single day which makes it hard to remember all of the little details on HOW to do them.

Book List
This is probably my favorite list of all? Just kidding, that's like trying to pick a favorite child. It's so satisfying to finish a book and keep a written mark of it someplace. Goodreads is awesome, but they always always always also go into my planner. Check out this post for how we track our books in our Laurel Denise Planners. (Another few fun ones to track are: Podcast List and Movies Watched List!)

Books To Read List
Super helpful to keep a list of books you want to read! Again, Goodreads is fab, but I can't write who recommended the book to me or why I wanted to read it ("Barnes & Noble said this was was spicy") which is an issue for my brain.

Fun Words List
I mean, really, why not? It's a lot more fun to say, "Honey, can you take out the dross" than it is to say, "Honey, can you take our the trash?" And how on earth would we know the definition of "dross" without a fun words list?!

Staycation Ideas List (aka "Local Activities List")
The only way to remember that free wing night is on the first Tuesday of every month is by having this list in your planner and I will die on that hill.

Date Night Ideas List
Because the same old restaurant can get kind of boring.

Bucket Lists
It's so motivating to have these in your planner! Pro Tip: Put them on a Planner Insert so you can bring them with you in next year's planner (and maybe the year's after that, too!)

Yearly Wins and Yearly Lessons List
I decided to include these as a back page in our planners because it's something I need to do better with. I am never celebrating my wins and constantly forgetting my lessons which means I make the same mistakes over and over again. Writing them here helps me pause in the joy and let those lessons sink in.

Favorite Meals
You know when you just want to call it in with meal planning and go to your tried & true recipes, but you can't quite remember them because you've all been basically scrounging for a few weeks? Okay, yes, it's like that basically every week in my home. This quick reference for meals is KEY!

Rabbit Hole List (aka "Deep Dive List")
This here is my new favorite list, but for real. This is a list of things that you want to look into more and really learn about, but you don't have time that day or week and you are committed to not going down uneccessary rabbit holes when you have actual things to do! I put skincare on this list and because I did that, I found myself with an open Saturday and actually took the time to watch YouTube videos and put together information to share with friends! So fun!

Eat the Frog List
Okay, you've probably heard us talking about this quite a bit. This is a list of all of the projects you put off all the time, but really do need to do. Give yourself a reward for completion, but keep them in your planner and commit to doing one a week or one a month. It's life changing, truly. And, no, I don't know why we call it that.

Drinking The Coffee List
This is that list of things you do while you are still waking up for the morning, drinking that first cup of coffee. They are tasks that you can get done while your brain power is low. For us, it's things like letting people into our Facebook Group or cleaning out our inboxes. We keep it as a list for obvious reasons - no thinky before coffee.

Keep in Touch With List
Our customer service manager keeps this in her planner, because of course she does. This is a list of people she wants to make sure she checks in with regularly that month and it's just the absolute best.

Packages Expected List
Ever ordered something and not received it and not realized it for months? Yeah, same. This list prevents that from happening and is also a handy tool for remembering why you ordered something (or is that only something I need?)

Do, Defer, Delegate List
This is a list of things you are going to do and a list of things you've asked other people to do. Sometimes I forget what I've delegated and then I forget to follow up and that's really not great. Doing that shows I don't value the projects I've asked other people to help me with and if I don't have this list in my planner, my brain thinks it still needs to hang on tightly to those tasks which is inaccurate. The defer list helps me know projects haven't been forgotten, but they aren't the priority.

Inside Outside List
Mabby has an extensive garden and a very full and lively home. These lists help her remember all of the weekend family chores she and her family have to complete. I have a "things to fix in my house" list in my planner because I have yet to find my love of gardening, although I'm convinced it's just around the corner.

Next Month List
Sometimes it's helpful to have a little preview of big things coming up the following month in your head. That way, you aren't surprised and you can have a head start on brainstorming the task.

Gratitude List
I'm keeping this in my journal planner this year and, even though I know we've all heard it one thousand things, it really really really is life changing to take a minute to jot down all that you have to be thankful for each day.

Follow Up List
This is my list of emails I've sent or calls I've made that I'm still waiting to hear back on. A list of all of the circles I need to close, if you will.

Freezer Meals List
To help you avoid those science experiments that are absolutely happening in the back of my freezer.

Whew! This concludes my Giant List of Unique Lists for Your Planner! This has been quite the ride. If you'd like to see Nancy and I chat about this on YouTube we obviously have that video and would love to have you join us there!

Until next time! xoxo, Laurel