Vertical Weekly: Dawn
Dawn manages a small business with a handful of employees and concentrates heavily on the marketing and social media, has two children with active schedules of their own, meal plans, and needs plenty of room to jot down quick notes. (Okay, okay, Dawn is Laurel. This is how Laurel set up her life in the Vertical Weekly. Let's go with it.) Dawn separates her weekly short pages with a time blocking section, where she puts her meetings and appointments, and a daily task list. Her monthly section holds all of her social media, email, and blog marketing plans. Her notes section is filled to the brim with random notes and thought she has while she's doing other things - leaving this section open for that helps her to be able to concentrate on what's in front of her without forgetting things that pop into her mind. Her monthly task section holds the manufacturing schedule for each month and each product line. It's a lot to hold, but the Vertical Weekly planner is mighty enough to hold it all!